Физкультминутки на уроках английского языка


Детям сложно во время занятий сидеть на одном месте. Поэтому, чтобы не отрываться от процесса изучения английского языка, можно проводить физкультминутки или играть в разные подвижные игры также на английском.

Вот варианты «английской зарядки» для малышей и детей постарше.


One, one, one  (показываем указательный палец)

I can run ! (бег на месте)

Two, two,two (показываем 2 пальца)

I can jump too! ( прыгаем на месте)

Three, three, three  (показываем 3 пальца)

Look at me ! (ребенок замирает в смешной позе)

Детям эта считалочка очень нравится, они просят повторить еще и еще.


Stand up, sit down (встаем, садимся)

Clap, clap, clap. (хлопаем в ладоши)

Point to the window, (показываем пальцем на окно)

Point to the door,  (показываем пальцем на дверь)

Point to the board,  (показываем пальцем на доску)

Point to the floor.  (показываем пальцем на пол)

Stand up, sit down (встаем, садимся)

Clap, clap, clap. (хлопаем в ладоши)

Можно оставить эту разминку на тему «Дом», например.




Make your right hand clap, clap, clap. (хлопаем правой ладошкой по левой)

Make your left hand clap, clap, clap. (хлопаем левой ладошкой по правой)

Turn around 1,2,3. (поворот вокруг себя)

It is easy, you can see !

Make your right foot tap, tap, tap. (топаем правой ножкой)

Make your left foot tap, tap, tap. (топаем левой ножкой)

Turn around 1,2,3. (поворот вокруг себя)

It is easy, you can see !


Перед зарядкой, нужно договорится, что дети будут поднимать (груши, бананы — если тема «Еда»; кубики, куклы — если тема «Игрушки»; пластмассовых зверей — если тема «Животные» и т.д.). Это могут быть как реальные предметы, так и воображаемые.

Pick up, put down, stand up, turn around.

Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down.

Look left, look right, look up, look down.

Turn around, sit down, touch something brown.

Последнее слово можно каждый раз менять, тем самым закрепляя цвета.


We are running, (бег на месте)

We are jumping, (прыгаем на месте)

Trying sky to get. (поднимаемся на носочки, руки вверх)

We are skipping, (перескакиваем с ноги на ногу на месте)

Trying sky to get.  (поднимаемся на носочки, руки вверх)

We are flying like a real jet. (руки в стороны, показывая самолёт)

We are hopping, (прыгаем на месте на одной ноге потом на другой)

We are climbing (как удто карабкаемся вверх)

Like a funny cat. (рисуем в воздухе усы как у кота)

Mew. (садимся на место)








If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.

If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.

If you are happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands!

If you are happy and you know it,

Snap your fingers.

If you are happy and you know it,

Snap your fingers.

If you are happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it,

Snap your fingers!

If you are happy and you know it,

Nod your head.

If you are happy and you know it,

Nod your head.

If you are happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it,

Nod your head!

If you are happy and you know it,

Stamp your feet.

If you are happy and you know it,

Stamp your feet.

If you are happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it,

Stamp your feet!

If you are happy and you know it,

Click your tongue.

If you are happy and you know it,

Click your tongue.

If you are happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it,

Click your tongue!

If you are happy and you know it,

Say OK.

If you are happy and you know it,

Say OK.

If you are happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it,

Say OK!



(suit the actions to the words)


Alouetta, little Alouetta,

Play the game with me:

Put your finger on your head,

Put your finger on your head,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouet! Oh!


Alouetta, little Alouetta,

Play the game with me:

Put your finger on your nose,

Put your finger on your nose,

On your nose, on your nose,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouet! Oh!


Alouetta, little Alouetta,

Play the game with me:

Put your finger on your mouth,

Put your finger on your mouth,

On your mouth, on your mouth,

On your nose, on your nose,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouet! Oh!







YOU TAKE YOUR LITTLE HANDS (suit the actions to the words)


You take your little hands and go

Clap, clap, clap!

You take your little hands and go

Clap, clap, clap!

You take your little hands and go

Clap, clap, clap!

Clap, clap, clap your hands!

You take your little toes and go

Tap, tap, tap!

You take your little toes and go

Tap, tap, tap!

You take your little toes and go

Tap, tap, tap!

Tap, tap, tap your toes!

You take your little eyes and go

Blink, blink, blink!

You take your little eyes and go

Blink, blink, blink!

You take your little eyes and go

Blink, blink, blink!

Blink, blink, blink your eyes!

You take you little lips and go

Kiss, kiss, kiss!

You take you little lips and go

Kiss, kiss, kiss!

You take you little lips and go

Kiss, kiss, kiss!

Kiss your dear Mum and Dad!



DO EVERYTHING TOGETHER (suit the actions to the words)




Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

Sing, sing, sing a song,

Sing a song together.

Sing, sing, sing a song,

Sing a song together.

Wink, wink, wink your eyes,

Wink your eyes together.

Wink, wink, wink your eyes,

Wink your eyes together.

Dance, dance, dance a dance,

Dance a dance together.

Dance, dance, dance a dance,

Dance a dance together.

Spin, spin, spin around,

Spin around together.

Spin, spin, spin around,

Spin around together.

Ride, ride, ride your bikes,

Ride your bikes together.

Ride, ride, ride your bikes,

Ride your bikes together.

Wash, wash, wash your face,

Wash your face together.

Wash, wash, wash your face,

Wash your face together.

March, march, march, march to bed,

March to bed together.

March, march, march, march to bed,

March to bed together.


Shine, shine, shine your shoes,

Shine your shoes together.

Shine, shine, shine your shoes,

Shine your shoes together.